Archive of ‘life’ category

One Room Challenge Faves


It’s only been a week since the One Room Challenge Finale…and I’m starting to go through bathroom remodeling withdrawals.

Ok…that is a complete lie! Sooo glad to have that thing done :)

In case you have already forgotten about my Sister’s fab new bathroom here it is:

Bathroom Reveal

Bathroom Reveal 12

Ah memories!

Today I wanted to take some time and share my top 10 fave ORC makeovers.

Sit back, enjoy and prepare to be inspired!!


October Faves

Happy Halloween!

Today is just another reason why I love October so much :)

A day dedicated to dressing up in costumes and eating candy…ah perfection!

Anyways…here are some of my fave things from my favorite month!

October Faves (more…)

Dorm Room Favorites


Welcome back to my Back to School week!

Today we are talking dorm rooms…

It seems like yesterday that I was moving into my dorm room at IU…even though it’ll be twelve years ago this year.

12 years people…how is that even possible!?!

I will never forget the feeling I had as my parents drove away, and I walked back to my dorm room.

I was excited, I was nervous, I was alone, I was YOUNG!

What had I signed myself up for????

We’ll talk more about my Freshman year experience on Friday.

But today it’s all about dorm room décor!

Dorm Room Favorites

1. Eiffle Tower Picture; 2. Marilyn Monroe Picture; 3. Audrey Hepburn Picture; 4. Arrow Décor; 5. Clip Lamp; 6. Futon; 7. Rugs; 8. Comforter; 9. Organization Shelf; 10. Pouf Seat/Foot Rest; 11. Storage Containers; 12. Step Stool (more…)

Back to School Supplies Favorites

Good Morning!

For some reason I love Back to School time.

Weird I know, right!?

I mean I have been out of school for longer than I’d like to think {or admit}…but walking through the store aisles full of brightly colored pens, folders and notebooks makes me happy!

It must be the wannabe teacher in me.

The teacher that solely wants to decorate her classroom, grade papers and have the Summers and snow days off that is…not exactly one that has to teach anybody anything :)

Anyways, as I was leisurely strolling through the Back to School supplies section this year I found some super cool stuff!

Stuff I had to share with you…here are some of my Back to School Supplies favorites!

Back to School Favorites

1. Binder; 2. Backpack; 3. Markers; 4. Pens; 5. Calculators; 6. Pencils; 7. Scissors 8. Notebooks 9. Message Flags (more…)

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