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Project: Teeth Whitening Part Two


A few weeks ago I talked about having braces, how I developed a slight teeth obsession and my latest beauty project…whitening my teeth. Fun, girly and completely personal stuff 🙂

For this project I am partnering with Smile Brilliant, and last time showed you how I created my custom-fitted teeth whitening trays. Today I wanted to give you a little update on my teeth whitening treatments…and breakdown the process a bit further for those of you that may be thinking about giving this a try yourself {which I’d highly recommend ;)}

Teeth Whitening Part 2

Teeth Whitening Project Part 2

It took about a week for me to receive my custom-fitted teeth whitening trays once I sent the molds into Smile Brilliant. They fit perfect, and I could not wait to test them out!

Teeth Whitening Project Part 2

First you add a thin line of the teeth whitening gel to the trays.

Teeth Whitening Project Part 2

Next, insert your trays so that the gel is touching your teeth, and wipe off any excess gel near the gum line. They recommend that you brush and floss your teeth before using the trays, but I personally like to use the whitening gel on un-freshly brushed teeth.

Then let the whitening gel go to work!

I’ve left my trays in from anywhere to 25-50 minutes. They fit so well I forget I even have them in sometimes 🙂

Teeth Whitening Project Part 2

Once you’ve reached your time limit on the whitening gel {Smile Brilliant recommends 20 minutes – 3 hours depending on your level of sensitivity} rinse out the trays and your mouth.

Teeth Whitening Project Part 2For the most part my teeth aren’t really that sensitive, and I didn’t think I’d need to use the desensitizing gel…but I did and loved it! It’s a must-have to use after your whitening gel treatments.

Before using this gel make sure your mouth and trays are dry, then add a thin layer of the desensitizing gel to your trays. Place your trays back in your mouth and leave in for 5-15 minutes. Once you are done spit out the gel, but do not rinse your mouth. The gel helps strengthen your tooth enamel, completes the teeth whitening process…and is well – just awesome!

Be sure not to eat or drink anything for about 30 minutes afterwards. Usually, I use my trays in the evening, and after the 30 minutes are up I brush my teeth and head to bed.

I try and use the gel 1-2 times a week, because I like to space things out a bit – but you certainly can use it more if you’d like! Smile Brilliant does recommend so many treatments based on your age before you really start to notice results. For me it has been between 5-7 treatments. I have a few more to go and will show you the big reveal next week. Stay tuned 🙂

{If you are ready to whiten your teeth right now use code: dove5 for a special 5% discount on all Smile Brilliant products!} Offer expires April 30, 2015.

* Disclaimer: I was provided with free product from Smile Brilliant for this post, but all opinions regarding teeth whitening are my own. See my full disclosure policy here..


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  • Lindsay Eidahl

    I would like to try this!

    • I’ve really enjoyed it, plus my teeth are whiter! I may or may not be giving away a whitening kit next week so stay tuned 😉