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July Favorites… and the day I almost met Will Sheehey

July Favorites


I can’t believe July is almost over! I know I say this every month, but seriously….where has July gone!?

To be honest I’m glad it’s over with.

It was a crazy busy month! From vacation, to having something planned EVERY single weekend. I’m glad my calendar in August is clear 🙂

Before we say goodbye to this month here are some of my July favorites!

July Favorites

July Favorites

As you may remember I spent the first few days of July here

And that’s never a good way to start a new month 🙂

July Favorites

Life was pretty easy that week.

The toughest decision I had to make was which bathing suit I wanted to wear to the beach that day.

July Favorites

Or which cocktail I wanted to drink that night…

…talk about rough.

July Favorites

My fav Bravo Housewives started their new season…

July Favorites

…and The Bachelorette ended happily for my pick Josh! I really think their relationship will last.

I mean if I can’t have him I’m glad Andi can 🙂

July Favorites

Fall is alive and well in ALL major craft stores. Not to mention Christmas…but don’t worry I’ll save those pictures for August!

July Favorites

This month I was able to check several things off my Summer To-Do list!

One of them being a group bike bar crawl, also known as Petal City.

Lots of work…but lots of fun!

Even if I couldn’t walk the next day because my legs were sore from pedaling.

Still worth it.

July Favorites

And let me tell you something…you haven’t really ridden in a parade until you do it IU Alumni style.

NOTHING beats the cheers our float gets from dedicated Hoosier fans!

July Favorites

This month I shared a little bit of my pageant history with you. Which was very fitting because pageants seemed to consume a lot of my month.

From getting the chance to see a former contestant win our town’s first triple crown title…

July Favorites

…to judging the largest county fair pageant in the state of Indiana.

July Favorites

And returning to Bloomington to judge another county pageant with one of my fav IU girls, Terrin (who is a former Miss Indiana…yeah she’s kinda a big deal!)

July Favorites

While in Bloomington Terrin and I spent some time walking around IU’s picturesque campus.

July Favorites

Very fitting for an Ernie Pyle School of Journalism grad…and soon-to-be one 🙂

This IU trip was practically perfect…

…until I walked right past Will Sheehey and didn’t stop to chat and get my picture taken with him.

Remember Will?

July Favorites

Picture by: Chris Howell, Herald-Times

Who could really forget this hottie!?

Note to self: When in Bloomington and you see three insanely tall guys walking around together, chances are pretty good that they might be basketball players…

…and quite possibly Will Sheehey.

And it’s ok to be the super fan that stops him to ask for a picture. Because who are you kidding…you are THE super fan 🙂

So the next time I’m in Bloomington…and see Will Sheehey…I’ll be prepared to be myself.

Super fan and all.

Here are my favorite posts of the month:

A Day at the Beach

A Day Back at the Beach

Skinny Pasta Salad

Skinny Pasta Salad Recipe

How To Turn a Flower Pot Into A Small Fire Pit

Make Your Own Small Fire Pit

Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Christmas in July

What are some of your July favorites?

Have a good day!

Erin - Signature


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  • Reply Pat

    Sounds like a fun month! You will have to catch Will next time!

    July 30, 2014 at 9:02 am
    • Reply theblueeyeddove

      I know…I was so mad at myself for trying to act “cool” and not bug the guy. But then I remembered what do I care…haha!

      July 30, 2014 at 9:26 am
  • Reply August Favorites |

    […] after the crazy, insanely busy July I had it was nice to have […]

    August 29, 2014 at 6:03 am

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